What is 1863nft?

1863nft is a digital art and community-building project that celebrates the unique attributes of the greatest state in America - West “By God” Virginia! We’re a scrappy outfit led by four Gen X college friends with a shared passion for West Virginia and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Our immediate aim is to rally a community of West Virginia lovers and mint an incredible NFT series in partnership with some of the Mountain State’s
most prolific artists.

What does 1863nft do?


Foster community.


1863nft rallies West Virginia enthusiasts from across the globe, bringing people together to establish and strengthen bonds of friendship, association, and affinity. The network effects of 1863nft benefit community members as well as residents of the state.


Showcase creativity.


1863nft partners with West Virginia-based artists and entrepreneurs to highlight the immense talents of the Mountain State’s creative community. Our genesis mint features some of our favorite things about Mountain Mamma, advancing a positive, optimistic narrative in a fun and original way.


Accelerate innovation.


1863nft introduces West Virginians to the world of NFTs and the blockchain, sparking curiosity and emboldening Mountaineers of all backgrounds to embrace innovation, change, and new technologies to realize their full potential. We seek to inspire West Virginians to become pioneers and leaders in the rapidly emerging and evolving web3 space.


Where is 1863nft headed?

Like any “big idea,” 1863nft will start off small and evolve over time. We’re fostering a community of builders with a strong action bias and a commitment to learning through experience, discovery, and adaptation.

The founders of 1863nft are in this for the long haul. We aspire to create something that lasts for years and decades, not just weeks or months.

We intend to grow 1863nft into a vibrant community of Appalachian enthusiasts dedicated to nurturing and accelerating West Virginian excellence in technology, entrepreneurship, and the arts.

For now, we’re focused intensely on the immediate opportunity - designing and executing an exceptional genesis mint of 304 NFTs that excite the public and make us, our community, and our state proud.

We invite you to join us on this journey!

Let’s goooooooo!

The world’s first state-themed NFT project.